Internet of Things, edge computing, IoT device software, C++ EDGE Release 2021.1 Available EDGE provides a web-enabled, secure, highly modular and extensible C++ and JavaScript IoT edge application environment on top of Linux, consisting of middleware, protocols and rich APIs. The latest 2021.1 release upgrades the underlying C++ libraries and frameworks (POCO C++ Libraries, POCOpro OSP and Remoting) to their current versions, adds support for MQTT version 5 […]

The End of Cloud Computing?

I recently came across a great talk by Peter Levine, a partner at Andreesen Horowitz, titled “Return to the Edge and the End of Cloud Computing”. He gives a good introduction to edge computing, why there’s no way around it and how it will change IT in the coming years. Basically we’re entering a new […]

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iX Special Internet of Things

German iX magazine by Heise has published a new special issue on Internet of Things. I have contributed two articles to the magazine special issue. The first one is about edge and fog computing, the hottest topic currently in IoT. The other one is about IoT programming with C++, which I (unsurprisingly) consider the most […]

Implementing REST APIs in C++ with POCOPRO Remoting

Starting with the 2016.1 release of the POCOPRO frameworks a new feature has been added to the Remoting NG toolkit that makes it easy to implement RESTful web services in C++. Remoting NG is a distributed objects and web services framework for C++, based on annotated C++ class definitions and a code generator. Remoting NG […]


CppCast featuring

The April 7, 2016 episode of CppCast has an interview with me talking about, C++, embedded development and the Internet of Things.

IoT with C++ in German iX Magazine Special Issue

The German iX magazine new special issue on IoT development (“iX-Developer-Sonderheft: Entwickeln für das Internet der Dinge”) contains an article written by me about IoT development with C++. You can find the announcement (in German) here. You can order the special issue (paper or e-paper) here. The DVD that comes with the issue also has […] at Global IoT Day Event Vienna

Günter Obiltschnig gave a talk titled Building IoT Applications With And Tinkerforge at the Vienna Global IoT Day Event where he gave a quick introduction to both and Tinkerforge, and then demonstrated how to build an application that collects various sensor measurements, visualizes them on a local website and performs various actions, such […]

Prevues of Coming Attractions: is the new name for our IoT Framework which we’ve announced some time ago. A few weeks ago, at the Sierra Wireless Developer Day in Paris, we presented a demo of the current state of the project. Apart from our existing C++ toolkits — the POCO C++ Libraries at the core, the Open Service […]

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The IoT Framework

Over the past few months we have been quite busy working on our newest product which we call the “IoT Framework”. In a nutshell, the IoT Framework contains everything needed for building software for Internet of Things-enabled devices. Of course the framework is based on our existing C++ toolkits, most notably the POCO C++ Libraries. […]

Connecting a JavaScript Web Application to a C++ Backend With Remoting NG and JSON-RPC

Applied Informatics Remoting NG 2013.2 contains a new JSON-RPC transport that implements the JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol. JSON-RPC is a stateless, light-weight remote procedure call (RPC) protocol using JSON as serialization format and HTTP or WebSockets as transport. This can be used to make a JavaScript web application talk to a C++ backend, RPC-style, by simply […]

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