At the place where our office is located there’s also a “smart city” research project going on, including a cool autonomous shuttle and a couple of “smart” street lamps. These lamps contain environmental sensors, as well as other gadgets like a display and cameras. The idea was to get the sensor data – temperature, humidity, […]
I recently came across a great talk by Peter Levine, a partner at Andreesen Horowitz, titled “Return to the Edge and the End of Cloud Computing”. He gives a good introduction to edge computing, why there’s no way around it and how it will change IT in the coming years. Basically we’re entering a new […]
German iX magazine by Heise has published a new special issue on Internet of Things. I have contributed two articles to the magazine special issue. The first one is about edge and fog computing, the hottest topic currently in IoT. The other one is about IoT programming with C++, which I (unsurprisingly) consider the most […]
We are proud to announce that, our IoT device software platform for edge devices and gateways, has made it onto the 2018 edition of the IoT Landscape by FirstMark Capital. Created by Matt Turck, this chart shows the most significant players in the IoT space. can be found quite in the center of […]
End of August 2017 we travelled to Helsinki, Finland, to install a telematics device based on a MangOH Green running on Philipe Reinisch’s motorcycle to collect sensor data from his European road trip that he does as part of his Silkroad 4.0 project.
At this year’s ceremony for Austria’s National Award (“Staatspreis”) for Excellence in Consulting, Applied Informatics was recognized as one of the top six Austrian consulting companies, for a project done with EOS Power Solutions. Günter Obiltschnig, Founder and Managing Director, received an award from Austria’s Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister of Economy, Reinhold Mitterlehner on […]
Das Internet der Dinge (englisch: Internet of Things, kurz IoT) und die damit verbundenen Begriffe Cyber-Physical Systems, Industrie 4.0 und Industrial Internet sind derzeit in aller Munde. Doch was steckt dahinter? Und vor allem stellt sich die Frage: Handelt es sich nur um neue Technologien oder vielmehr um ein Umdenken auf Geschäftsprozessebene? Antworten dazu gibt […]
The April 7, 2016 episode of CppCast has an interview with me talking about, C++, embedded development and the Internet of Things.
In the last couple of weeks new features have been added to the JavaScript environment in Most importantly, Buffer objects are now available in JavaScript, allowing to work efficiently with binary data. The HTTPRequest and uri objects have been extended to use Buffer objects in addition to strings. So now it’s also possible to […]
I’m happy to announce that has been selected as one of the projects to receive funding from the Internet Foundation Austria’s netidee program in the 2015/2016 term. This will support our ongoing open source work on, especially implementing technologies such as Modbus, 6LoWPAN, CoAP and Bluetooth Smart, among other improvements. I am looking […]