Internet of Things, edge computing, IoT device software, C++

The IoT Framework

Over the past few months we have been quite busy working on our newest product which we call the “IoT Framework”. In a nutshell, the IoT Framework contains everything needed for building software for Internet of Things-enabled devices. Of course the framework is based on our existing C++ toolkits, most notably the POCO C++ Libraries. […]

POCO, iostreams, Windows CE and DLLs

Since release 1.4.0, the POCO C++ Libraries support Windows CE (or Windows Embedded Compact). Except for a few minor restrictions due to a lack of support for them in Windows CE, POCO works quite well on Windows CE 5.0 or later. However, there is an interesting issue that results from the combination of having classes […]

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Logging with POCO on iOS

The POCO C++ Libraries come with a powerful logging framework that supports different logging channels like log files, console, syslog or the Windows Event Log. All of these channels (except maybe the FileChannel) are not very useful when developing applications for the iPhone. So what should one do when porting existing C++ code that uses […]

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