Internet of Things, edge computing, IoT device software, C++

New White Paper: Browser-based Secure Remote 
 Access for the Internet of Things

Secure remote access to the built-in web server of a device is one of the fundamental building blocks for the Internet of Things. enables easy and secure remote access, even if the device is located behind a NAT router or a firewall and does not have a public IP address. Read our new white […]

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Introducing The New Secure Cloud-Based Remote Access for The Internet of Things

We have just released a new and much improved version of, along with a completely new website. is cloud-ready service providing secure remote access to embedded devices and intelligent systems via HTTP(S) or other TCP-based protocols. With, any network-connected device running the connector software can be securely accessed remotely over the […]

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Port Forwarding and Dynamic DNS Considered Harmful

Various vendors of network-connected devices, specifically in home automation, use port forwarding and Dynamic DNS as a means to provide remote access to their devices, both for end users and for remote service purposes. However, as a recent case in Germany showed, this is a very bad idea as it opens the door for various […]

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