Internet of Things, edge computing, IoT device software, C++

Video: Using the REMOTE Command-Line Clients for SSH, SCP and SFTP

This video gives a quick demonstration how to use the REMOTE command-line client tools for remote SSH, SCP and SFTP access to a device via REMOTE. These tools are available for Windows, macOS and Linux. REMOTE provides secure remote access via web (HTTP), shell (SSH), file transfer (SFTP), remote desktop (VNC, RDP) […]

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Video: Getting Started with REMOTE – SSH into a remote Raspberry Pi behind a NAT router

This video guides you through the first steps with REMOTE. REMOTE provides secure remote access via web (HTTP), shell (SSH), file transfer (SFTP), remote desktop (VNC, RDP) and other protocols to IoT devices behind routers or firewalls. No port forwarding, scarce public IPv4 addresses, or complex and inflexible VPNs required. In this video, […]

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How to Provide Secure Remote Access to IoT Edge Devices

Remote access for IoT devices through NAT and Firewalls

Secure remote access to IoT edge devices is one of the fundamental building blocks of the Internet of Things. End users want to access and manage their devices via web or mobile app, service partners need access to devices installed at remote locations, and product sup-port teams need to be able to log-in to devices installed at customer sites.

Tagged , , , , REMOTE Delivers Remote Access for Service Partners and End Users

Remote access for VoIP PBX systems

Telephony and communication systems AGFEO, founded 1947 in Bielefeld, Germany, is a leading European manufacturer of telephony and communication systems for small to medium-sized offices and companies. These systems consist of a central unit, called a Private Branch Exchange (PBX), and the actual phones which are connected to the PBX. Modern PBX systems use a […]

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Introducing The New Secure Cloud-Based Remote Access for The Internet of Things

We have just released a new and much improved version of, along with a completely new website. is cloud-ready service providing secure remote access to embedded devices and intelligent systems via HTTP(S) or other TCP-based protocols. With, any network-connected device running the connector software can be securely accessed remotely over the […]

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Port Forwarding and Dynamic DNS Considered Harmful

Various vendors of network-connected devices, specifically in home automation, use port forwarding and Dynamic DNS as a means to provide remote access to their devices, both for end users and for remote service purposes. However, as a recent case in Germany showed, this is a very bad idea as it opens the door for various […]

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Software For The New Internet Of Things

The Internet of Things, also referred to as Industrial Internet, or Internet of Everything, is one of the major industry trends of 2013. Interestingly, as some may remember, it was also a buzz phrase a few years ago, back then referring to then trendy RFID technology. RFID never really lived up to the expectations, though. […]

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